***This first one is my most dominant personality type***
Inspirational - Your score: 31
Personality Type
- Inspiring
- (Virtue - Courage)
Personality Traits
- Ambitious
- Charger
- Confident/Determined
- Intuitive
- Persuasive
- Spontaneous
- Adaptable
- Responsible
Flesh Type & Traits (Over-bearing)
- Pushy/Ready-Fire-Aim
- Domineering/Intimidating
- Egotistical
- Restless
- Insensitive
- Undisciplined
- Over-bearing
- Can't say no
What I Want
- Opportunities
- Variety
- Change
- Challenges
- Appreciation, Praise
- Leadership
Biblical Characters
- Peter, David, Joseph
Likely Spiritual Gift(s)
- Leadership
- Exhortation
Favorite Question
- What can this become?
Measures Results By
- Goals met, people grow
Leadership Style (Technique)
- Leader, Administrator
Works Best (Relationally)
- Fast, with a team
Motivated By
- Verbal or written appreciation
Most Easily Recruited By
- Opportunities
Goal Setting
- End is important
Teach By
- Variety
Attitude Toward Meetings
- Good - looking for new ideas
Attitude Toward Authority
- Tolerate
Deals With Reality By
- Enriches
I Will Respond To
- Genuineness and positive attitude
- A personal visit; take time to know me
- A program that is moving
- Quality
- A strong sense of leadership and direction
What I Want From You
- To be friendly, open and enthusiastic
- You want to know who I am
- Your actions follow your words
- Openness and honesty
- Acceptance, praise
***This is my secondary***
Harmonious - Your score: 29
Personality Type
- Harmonious
- (Virtue - Love)
Personality Traits
- Agreeable
- Cooperative
- Devoted/Loyal
- Empathetic
- Generalizes
- Harmonious
- Dreams
- Merciful
- Relational
- Submissive
- Supportive
Flesh Type & Traits (Over-bearing)
- Low Self Esteem
- Passive
- Self-Condemning
- NaÏve
- Misses Details
- Co-Dependent
- Procrastinates
- Martyrdom
- Vulnerable
- Indecisive
- Gullible
What I Want
- Love
- Trust (Confidence)
- Relationships
- Communication
- One-on-One
- Harmony
Biblical Characters
- John, Moses, Mary, Barnabas, Stephen
Likely Spiritual Gift(s)
- Exhortation
- Giving
- Mercy
Favorite Question
- Why or why not?
Measures Results By
- Did everyone win?
Leadership Style (Technique)
- Easy-going
Works Best (Relationally)
- Carefully with Others
Motivated By
- Trust
Most Easily Recruited By
- Relationship
Goal Setting
- Meet each person's needs
Teach By
- Listen-talk
Attitude Toward Meetings
- Positive
Attitude Toward Authority
- Respond to those they respect
Deals With Reality By
- Internalizes
I Will Respond To
- People who take time to know me individually
- People who will respond to my personal concerns
- Needs and hurts, giving freely of myself and my resources
- Genuine initiative from other people
What I Want From You
- Trust and relationships
- Dependability and supportiveness
- Dependable leadership
- Adequate time for decision-making
1 comment:
Yours is better than mine! I hate mine =(
I don't like passivity. At all.
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