Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well, here's two posts in one day. I think that's a record for me. :o) My daughter, Heather said she wanted me to hear this song by Avril Lavigne, called Innocence and we just finished sharing that moment. This song really resounded with my heart so I want to share it with you. Music profoundly speaks to me. I love it and thank God for the gift of its expression. I hope you enjoy, my friends.

Also, my daughter has a blog, if you would like to check it out: Inside My Heart

music player
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish.com. More colors.


Hilaree said...

Hi there!

I stopped by your blog a few months ago and wanted to say hi, again. What a lovely song from Avril. Now, am I wrong, or is she actually a POSITIVE role model for young girls? So good. Hope you are well and thank you for putting on such a nice show via your blog.

Sarah said...

Your daughter and ours have same taste in music. Thanks for sharing these lovely songs. Wish you would post more than :0)))))

Grace Walker said...

Hello Hilaree! :o)

Thank you so much for stopping by and posting again. I really enjoy reading the comments everyone leaves. Isn't the song just beautiful? I would venture to say that there are definitely a lot of positive qualities to her music. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are well also.

Hi Sarah,

That's neat that our daughter's have similar taste in music. My mom raised me around a lot of different types and I'm thankful for that. It really fostered the passion I have for it. It's truly my pleasure to share. Thank you for commenting. It's very encouraging to me to hear you say you wish I would post more often. I hope you have a beautiful day!