Monday, April 14, 2008

Oprah, Labels & Other Such Things

It's been a while since I've posted anything, especially that wasn't a song or a music video but there's something that's been on my mind since last night that I would like to blog about.  I've had so much welling up inside me throughout the day that I haven't written down but I'm trusting that what I want to articulate will be there as I go...

My subject matter for this post is Oprah Winfrey.  Hers is a name that brings any number of words to mind with people.  For me, three words would be inspiring, passionate and spiritual.  I read a blog post last night from someone I consider to be a friend...however, this is one subject that we do not agree on and that's what I want to talk about here.  He gave a link to another blog called, "Oprah and other false gods:  The Jealousy of God."  In glancing over this blog, I saw phrases like, "Oprahanity, the gospel of Oprah, the gospel of self."  I also saw this quote:  "I admit I am not what I would call an "expert" on Oprah.  I have followed quite a bit of the info that comes out now and then about her religious/spiritual beliefs but I can't watch her show (I do look now and then to have some idea of how she views these things, sort of my pop-culture "investigation"), it is tedious/boring and brain numbing viewing, (give me Plutarch any day over Oprah LOL) its torturous...I feel bad for just posting this video!!!  LOL  But hey people should have an idea of what is out there plus I like to engage with the culture around me..."

What are we so afraid of??  I have been greatly inspired and touched by this woman's courage and life has been changed and is continually being changed, as a result of watching her show.  I do not worship Oprah but I do highly regard her as a wonderful and caring human being, with a powerful influence.  To the ones who are criticizing and quoting her I want to ask, "Do you have the WHOLE story or are you taking pieces out of context to propagate* your fears?!?"  I read these blogs (this isn't the first time I've seen one like this about her) and the comments that are made, along with the foolish e-mails that come through my inbox from time to time, with strong warnings to stay away from her and I think, "I'm not getting this at ALL from anything I've seen on her show or have read in her magazine, etc."  I do, however see how that impression could be gotten by skimming over or watching bits and pieces here and there; after all, none of us have ever been guilty of trying to communicate with someone else, only to have them cut us off mid-sentence, misconstruing* everything we were attempting to get across...right?  

Growing up in a Christian home, I was taught (in the church) intolerance, fear and judgement. Oh, but we don't call it that.  Anyone that wasn't saying what they (the church) told me was right was considered evil, the devil or demon possessed, worldly, new-agey (whatever term would work) and I needed to run far away from that as fast as I could go. Now that I'm an adult that just translates as not being open to consider anything else as having truth...I've got to pick it apart to the point that it's not even recognizable by the time I'm done.  This is sickening to me!!  Is God not big enough?  I mean, is he really so small that he's wringing his hands in worry that we're going to hear something that will *God forbid* CHANGE and TRANSFORM us??  Oh wait, I mean make us one of "THOSE NEW AGERS or false gods or prophets."  *sarcasm intended there*  In other words, I just cannot believe that he's in a fit of anxiety about these things.  I also do not believe that he's this cold, disconnected entity* that is not very much involved with our lives.  On the contrary, I fully believe that he indwells* me.  

If we're so willing to "investigate" Oprah, as was mentioned in the quote above, what, may I ask, are we going to do with just about every Disney movie ever made?  Case in point, the following:  Brother Bear, Balto, Mulan, Cinderella, Lilo & Stitch, Pocahontas, The Ant Bully and LOTS more.  I have many Christian friends who absolutely adore these movies and they and their families watch them repeatedly and have them in their libraries; including myself.  Okay, so Brother Bear; fantastic movie, full of "new-agey" type stuff.  Balto, definitely lots of spiritual aspects.  Mulan was looking to her ancestors for guidance in her decisions, right?  This is one of our personal favorites!!  Cinderella has a fairy Godmother.  Stitch in Lilo & Stitch is an alien.  Wow, what category does that fit into?  Do I even need to mention Pocahontas??  Indians, ancestors, talking trees......oh yeah, Lord of the Rings has talking trees too!  :o)  The Ant Bully is also very spiritual and "new-agey" in its approach.  Do all of us who call ourselves Christians suddenly boycott Disney movies, for fear that we might be indoctrinated?  Seriously, though; what's the difference?  

Have Oprah's accusers seen any of 'The Big Give' shows?  I've watched every week and they have been phenomenal!  It's not just good TV, folks.  This is life-changing, truly inspirational stuff.  I guess we can't call it 'Christian' because there's no condemnation in it.  Nothing telling us that we had better do this or God's not going to accept or approve of us.  

The one question that leaves for me however, is this - Where is grace in all of this discussion about Oprah and her affiliates?  Where is grace?........  

Is there a possibility at all that we are the ones not understanding, rather than spending so much time and energy attacking someone whom I believe is making a wonderful impact on this earth?  Just some food for thought tonight.

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear..."

*propagate - to transmit (characteristics) from one generation to another.
*misconstrue - to mistake the meaning of; misinterpret
*entity - the fact of existence; being
*indwell - to exist as an animating or divine inner spirit, force, or principle
*sarcasm - A form of irony in which apparent praise concels another, scornful meaning.

If you've read to this point, thank you.  My daughter also put together her own post on this subject earlier today, and if you'd like to read that, just click the name, Inside My Heart.

Peace be with you all!


Stephanie said...

I read Heather's post first :)

I really agree with so much of what you are saying.

I have recently been very annoyed by some Christians and even thinking I don't like many of them...

I have been thinking about writing my thoughts down because it's really ridiculous.

Is there some list of rules that they check off each day?

Christians don't ______

I am so with you and I have defended my faith to non Christians recently and basically said

*Hey we aren't all like THAT*

Grace Walker said...

Hi Stephanie! Thank you so much for reading the post and for your support. It means a lot to me.

That's great that you read Heather's first. :o)

Please do write down your thoughts. I would love to hear what you have to say as well. I agree...I've been feeling so frustrated with the things I'm seeing and hearing and really have no desire to identify with any of them. There just seems to be this piousness and inability to consider any other viewpoint, without harsh criticism and poking fun.

No kidding about the list of rules. Excellent point.

Yes, exactly about defending your faith. Your words are indeed music to my ears.

Thanks so much for commenting!

justjuls said...

I can play devil's advocate only from what you said here - I haven't read the other post.
I used to adore Oprah. She was my mom - in that she was the adult that was there for me in the afternoons when I came home as a latchkey kid. I took in all her wisdom and advice and words,and in a lot of ways she shaped my thinking.
Then I became a Christian in my mid-twenties and I really started to hear some of her words as New-agey. BUT your point is so valid that we dismiss so much other stuff that is new agey. In other words we take what we find is valuable - sometimes a cute story, whatever - and we let the rest go.
Now that I am older and a bit more enlightened - I am not so hyper critical of the things that are said that don't really jive with my faith perfectly.
I have learned to enjoy listening to Oprah again - and the BIG GIVE is amazing. When we see love and giving like Oprah gives and loves - we know that love like that can only come from God.

Grace Walker said...

Well said Julie. Thank you for the thoughtful post! I strongly weighed putting a link to the other blog post here but ending up deciding not to, simply because I thought it may come across as mean-spirited on my part. You bring up a valid point though because of only being able to go by what I say. Thanks again for the feedback. :o)
I love what you said about the Big Give. Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

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Mattityahu said...

Hey Sheryl,

I've realized I've been disrespectful of people in my strong disagreement with Oprah and Eckhart.

My main problem with their beliefs is that they deny Jesus being the Christ and the only Way to the Father through His finished work. I reject the idea of all roads leading to the same place. If that were true then Christ died needlessly. I believe we are to rely on the Word of God to show us truth. If we don't get our truth from God's word, then it's simply our opinions and many people have many different opinions and so if opinions were truth, there would be no absolute truth.

I don't want to come off cold and hard, but I also don't want to seem like I respect their beliefs in anyway, because that would be a lie.

Grace Walker said...

Wow Matthew.....I don't even know what to say right now so I'm just going to leave this alone until I can better form my words.

Mattityahu said...

I wasn't attacking you, Sheryl. I hope you didn't take it like that lol. I was just saying that I don't at all agree with Oprah's beliefs.

Grace Walker said...

No, I didn't take it as an attack. However, your post is one more reason to me why I am identifying with these 'beliefs' less and less.....and less. I don't see how that could draw anyone to anything, to be honest. And since you spoke about how everyone has opinions (in the context of " If we don't get our truth from God's word, then it's simply our opinions..."), whether you can see it that way or not, so is what you said about what you believe. At the end of the day, it is still your opinion, even if you believe it to be "absolute truth." Just as you have the right on this earth to believe what you believe without being scrutinized and criticized, so does everyone else.
One other thing - did you read all of my post? I mentioned other things throughout it. Just wondering.

Mattityahu said...

I read the whole post. I just wanted to get straight to the point. Oprah denies that Jesus is the only Way to the Father. The only reason we have the grace we talk so much about is because of Jesus and His finished work. We must not have grace over Jesus. Jesus is our grace. No one and nothing else.

I don't see what is offensive to you about what I said. Do you not believe the Bible or the Gospel anymore? I realized criticizing people isn't the right thing to do. But at the same time I will reject the idea of salvation through anyone or anyway but Jesus Christ Himself.

Please don't take offense to what I say, Sheryl. I realize I can easily slip into "warrior mode" when it comes to people denying that Jesus is the only Truth there is. There is only one Way to the Father and we can't be deceived into believing anything else. It costs nothing. All we must do is "believe on the Lord Jesus" and we will be saved. I believe that by the Grace of God in Christ Jesus people are saved.

Grace Walker said...

I respect your position Matthew and am going to leave off with that. I really am not looking to persuade or convince you to believe another point of view. My purpose and heart in posting this blog was to simply provoke thought about the things mentioned. I understand where you're coming from and will not impose on that. You have been a good friend to me and that's more important than arguing over theology and doctrine.

Free Spirit said...

Very interesting post, Grace. I like that name so much I gave it to one of my daughters.

I read your daughter's post as well - what a phenomenal young lady she is. I also commented on her blog to tell her how much I admire that at her age, she is such an able thinker, and how cool it is that she is learning the way of freedom now instead of religion.
I too, am a recovering Pharisee, and God Journey listener.

I really enjoyed reading your post here. I guess Oprah must be flattered to be the subject of so much discussion and controversy. I am really pretty indifferent toward her. Don't particularly agree on many things, but respect that she's living by her convictions, and in many ways making a tremendous impact on lives. I have learned from her show on more than one occasion, and have been touched by her willingness and ability to give to others in life changing ways.

Like I said on your daughter's blog, I am not a defender of her (she doesn't need one), but am willing to learn from her in the same way that I am from any other person, and what I disagree with I toss.

Grace Walker said...

Hello Free Spirit! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment. First off, I love your name!! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I must tell you, I have been uplifted by your post. Thank you. I know my daughter will also appreciate what you've shared when she gets to read it after work. I like how you said you are willing to learn from Oprah, just like you would from any other person. Very true. For me, for whatever reason, I have really been able to connect with her at a deep level so I soak up what speaks life to my spirit. I don't expect that that will be everyone's experience, I have just felt frustrated to hear so much scrutiny where she's concerned; thus my post here. I am looking forward to reading over your blog! The front page is lovely.

Free Spirit said...

Thanks Grace, for your response, and for your compliment about my name and blog page. Even better, thanks for leaving a comment on it!

Sarah said...

Great thought-provoking post, Sheryl. Like Free Spirit, I too have learned from Oprah show when I used to watch them years ago...too long to remember. Then, accidentally, I found out the good she would do dictated by whether or not it would be well received by her audience/show. This was from first hand not hearsay. I find it disturbing. Over the years, I have come to realize I am in no place to judge what others do. God gave us BRAIN to think for the most part for ourselves in the name of do-gooder. How many times the good I did in the past turned out wrong? I am fallible! God does have His own plan, at His time for people like Oprah and Eckhart. I am responsible only for myself and accountable only to God. I strive to keep negative thoughts at minimal because I'm rather content to be a pollyanna person...looking at all good things in others. Sorry for my rambling, Sheryl. It's satisfying to read your muses. Look forward to your next. Keep them coming, please.

Grace Walker said...

Hello Sarah. Thank you for your comment and thoughts. I'm glad you get something out of what I write. That's very encouraging!

Hilaree said...

Hi there! Wow! What an interesting discussion this has been! I hadn't checked in at your blog for awhile and well, now...look at all this! :) My two cents: I used to watch Oprah, until I really began observing the women around me who watched her show every day, and the women in the audience, and I also read her magazine a bit. I also read an interview with her in which she described how she has a list at home of people that were slaves, (something she found at an auction or something - an antique, obviously) and that every morning she invokes the power of a different slave on the list. Yeah. OF COURSE she does wonderful things for the planet (with a teeny portion of her riches and a wealth of advertisers). OF COURSE she is spiritual and encouraging to women. However, what I began to notice after these observations was that many of the Christian women I know watched her every day, rather than reading their Bibles. They read her magazine to get spiritual tips. She, to me, many times represents what women in this country want to be comforted by, and what "their itching ears want to hear". That all religion is relative and we must follow our authenticity rather than surrender to Christ. The point is, do we spend more time gleaning spirituality from Oprah's various media outlets than we do falling in love with Christ's words, treasuring our time spent meditating on his radical, amazing love for us? I know that you really enjoy her and have been uplifted by her. You seem like a wonderful, smart woman, and I'm sure you are filtering not only HER messages for what Christ would have you learn, but all of the messages the media pursues us so doggedly with.

All that said, I swear like a trucker on my blog and probably many Christian women would run screaming from me for that reason. Sigh. We've all got our hot button topics, don't we? :)

Peace, girl.